Unlike the twice weekly training there we did over the past three months, my son, one of my training partners and I will only be heading down now about once a week - and I know I'll be wondering what I've missed on that evening that I'm away. Really wish we could still travel there two days a week, but it's a bit of a hike and would make for too late a mid-week evening for my son who will have more than enough school stuff to concentrate on. He'll need his sleep for that, which traveling two counties over for class will not get us back home in time to provide enough of.
We will start again at the local college next week, which will fill at least the Tuesday night void. The only problem is that it's mostly a beginners' class and we'll end up doing less learning and more cardio/kihon as we get started. None of us really mind that, but in the last few months, we've all gotten kind of used to being challenged in different ways. The three of us have already made a pact to push each other a bit more than usual when we're there so as not to stagnate...
So long summer! We'll miss you...