Wednesday, February 2, 2011

On the Road Again: Harlem Goju Association Seminar

Yep - we hit the road again a few weeks ago, loading up the van and heading to the Harlem Goju Association Seminar. A requirement for all Harlem Goju karateka, Grand Master Sam McGee invited training partner Ed and I along with our students to join in as well - and we graciously accepted. Our new promotees did workshops on controlled falls, kata and bo. They also got to watch some amazing practitioners present open-hand and bo kata. It's good to get out of your own dojo every now and again for something other than a tournament, I think. Judging by the smiles, I can assume our students shared that sentiment.


  1. Looks like a lotta fun...great looking group of karateka!

  2. Looks great! I love seminars - got another Iain Abernethy one coming up in March.

  3. Sounds like everyone had a good time! I have to say that I'm envious of the black gi's though!

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